June 5, 2018

This week, I have included Bennett's "family email" above his "general email."  His Grandpa Ogden recently passed away and the funeral is this weekend.  We asked Bennett to send us a memory he had of Grandpa O. for a family gathering. The memories he shared were so sweet, I wanted to post them on his Blog for family and others to read. I've also taken the liberty of posting some picture. Thanks, Lisa

Memories of Grandpa O:

Here's a little memory thing I have of grandpa: I don't have one specific memory of Grandpa Ogden that stands out above the rest. There are certainly memories I will never forget. But to me Grandpa Ogden was a man of simple acts of kindness and wisdom.

Some of the simple memories that I love are... Exploring Southern Utah with Grandpa. From hiking to jeeping as well as spending time in Lake Powell and Alton. I love how the Ogden Family always seemed to be outside. Most of my favorite memories come form Lake Powell. I love the memory of Grandpa O. wearing his long sleeve shirt on hot summer days in Lake Powell. Haha.

I remember how he would relax in the house boat and use his binoculars to find trials and animals in the distance. Grandpa would also go on hikes with the grandkids so that we might catch frogs. I loved how on the last day in Lake Powell I would wake up on the top of the house boat to Grandpa driving the boat back to the dock. I love how he would be patient and play with the grandkids in the basement of their home.

I love knowing that he was a man who put The Lord first. I remember visiting Grandpa and Grandma as they were serving their mission. Anyways those are just a few simple memories that I love from Grandpa O. I'm sad that he's gone but know that I'll see him again.

Elder Ogden

General Email:

This week was stellar. I've really enjoyed my time serving with Elder Jarvis so far. We also are now living with another companionship. We've been following up with a lot of people from tracting. We've done a lot of finding in the past. We're hoping all the potential investigators will progress.

A couple weeks ago we helped a lady out with yard work. Her health situation doesn't allow her to do a whole lot so she asked if we would help out. We stopped by this week and taught her the restoration. It was neat answering all her questions as well as reading the scriptures with her.

Everything else is going great.

Have a solid week,
Elder Ogden

Here's a pic from p-day

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